Telephone 01592 203993

Wheelchair Loan Depot at St Andrews Community Hospital

The service is there to provide a short term loan to people who are returning home early from hospital, to enable people to stay at home during an illness or even to assist with mobility whilst on holiday.  They also provide temporary help to those waiting for long-term equipment from health or social services.

The equipment is loaned on a donation basis.  These donations help the Red Cross to provide the service.

The usual short term loan period would be a maximum of 4 weeks but occasionally this could be extended depending on individual circumstances.  There are 2 types of Adult and Child wheelchairs available, self-propelled and carer-propelled.

The opening hours are: Monday & Wednesday 10 am to 11.30 am and Friday 1.30 pm to 3 pm.  It is run by volunteers.

The Red Cross wheelchair loan unit can be accessed via this mobile number 07811 097368, during opening times only.

The unit is based at the St Andrews Community Hospital, Largo Road, St Andrews, KY16 8AR

The British Red Cross`s Fife office in based in Glenrothes and can be contacted on 07885 804252

The following link  will take you the Red Cross website: which contains a search engine for the nearest Red Cross wheelchair depot to where you live.

Article Name
The British Red Cross Wheelchair Loan Depot in Fife.
The British Red Cross Wheelchair Loan Depot in Fife. The service is there to provide a short term loan to people who are returning home early from hospital, to enable people to stay at home during an illness or even to assist with mobility whilst on holiday.  They also provide temporary help to those waiting for long-term equipment from health or social services.

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