More Information and the below article can be found at Services we regulate, check and inspect
We regulate and inspect care services in Scotland to make sure that they meet the right standards. We also jointly inspect with other regulators to check how well different organisations in local areas work to support adults and children. You can find out more about each of the care services that we regulate here.
You can also read more about our joint inspections of services for children and young people and our joint inspections of services for adults within the professionals area of our website.
Childminders are professional childcare workers who work from their own homes to provide a childcare service for other people’s children in a family setting.
Daycare of Children
Day care is care provided for infants and toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-aged children in a centre-based facility, such as a nursery, playgroup or afterschool club.
Care homes for adults
There are no legal differences between residential homes and nursing homes. They are all care homes and can be more flexible about the services they offer. They can meet all aspects of your accommodation, support and care including nursing and end-of-life care.
Care at home
Care at home makes sure that as many people as possible are supported in their own homes. The care at home service can touch on all aspects of your daily life in your own home.
Support services
These fall under the heading of day care and can be offered within a care home, centre or to those provided directly in the community and not based in a centre. Support services can help with people who need support with very complicated need to people who need time-limited support at various times.
Housing support
Housing support covers a range of activities that allow you to maintain your accommodation, meet your duties and responsibilities as a tenant and get involved in the local community.
More Information and the above article can be found at