Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013
Self-directed Support Act now in effect
Published on Thursday, 17 April 2014 10:38
Disabled people and their organisations call on councils to ‘work with us’
From 1 April 2014 every local authority in Scotland will have a legal responsibility to offer ‘self-directed support’ (SDS), enabling disabled people to have increased freedom, choice, dignity and control over the support they need to live an independent life.
The offer ‘to work with us’ comes from Self Directed Support Scotland (SDSS) – a national network of Disabled People’s Organisations that share information and expertise on the successful delivery of ‘self-directed support’.
The Scottish Government has invested in a number of organisations and projects nationally to build the capacity of independent support and information which will help to support individuals to make choices using Self-directed Support.
The launch event was arranged by Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL), which has been supporting disabled people across Lothian for 20 years, and helps people to access Self-directed Support options.
The below information is from
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Self-directed Support?
Self-directed Support is Scotland’s mainstream approach to social care. Self-Directed Support (SDS) puts the person at the centre of the support planning process. It enables people, carers and families to make informed choices about what their social care support is and how it is delivered.
It’s not an add on or a separate way of doing things, since the 2014 Act it is the legal way in which all social care must be delivered. What Self-directed Support does is ensure that people who are eligible for support are given the choice and control over how their individual budget is arranged and delivered to meet their agreed health and social care outcomes.
2. Who can access SDS?
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