Telephone 01592 203993

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Get 1 /3 off rail fares

If you’re travelling with a friend they can get the discount too.

£20 for a one year card can you afford to be without it? A three year card at £54 is also available (Prices at 29/08/2019)

To find out how to apply see the leaflet ‘Rail Travel Made Easy’ (available at stations) or contact us on:

 Telephone 0845 605 0525From National Rail Network


 Textphone 0845 601 0132

Are You Eligible?

The Disabled Persons Railcard is for people with a disability that makes travelling by train difficult.

You will qualify if you:

  • receive Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
  • receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) at either:
    • the higher or lower rate for the mobility component, or
    • the higher or middle rate for the care component
  • have a visual impairment
  • have a hearing impairment
  • have epilepsy
  • receive Attendance Allowance or Severe Disablement Allowance
  • receive War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement
  • receive War or Service Disablement Pension for 80% or more disability
  • buy or lease a vehicle through the Motability scheme

Proof of Eligibility

You would need to provide one of the below as evidence of your eligibility with your application as detailed in the following table:

If you:

You will need to provide:

Receive Disability Living Allowance at either:

  • the higher rate or lower rate for getting around (mobility); or
  • the higher or middle rate for help with personal care
A copy of your award letter showing receipt of Disability Living Allowance in the past 12 months
Receive Personal Independence Payments (PIP) at any rate A copy of your award letter
Are registered as having a visual impairment Social Services official stamp in the space allocated on the downloadable form if applying online or on a paper application form
A copy of your Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI), BP1 Certificate (Scotland) or BD8 Certificate for being registered blind or partially-sighted
Are registered as deaf or use a hearing aid Social Services official stamp in the space allocated on the downloadable form if applying online or on a paper application form
A copy of the front page of your NHS battery book or a copy of your dispensing prescription from a private hearing aid supplier
Have epilepsy and either:

  • have repeated attacks even though you receive drug treatment; or
  • are currently prohibited from driving because of your epilepsy
A copy of your Exemption Certificate for epilepsy medication and a photocopy of your prescription for drugs.

Residents of Scotland where a Medical Exemption Card is not required, you need only supply a photocopy of your prescription.

A copy of your Exemption Certification for epilepsy medication and a photocopy of your letter from the DVLA telling you that you are unable to drive
Receive Attendance Allowance A copy of your award letter
Receive Severe Disablement Allowance A copy of your award letter
Receive War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement A copy of your award letter
Receive War or Service Disablement Pension for 80% or more disability A copy of your award letter
Are buying or leasing a vehicle through the Motability scheme A copy of the leasing or hire-purchase agreement, dated within the past 12 months

Other Railcards

If you do not qualify for a Disabled Persons Railcard, you may qualify for one of our other Railcards:

If you believe you might be eligible but do not meet one of the above requirements, you may contact us to discuss your individual circumstances.

Other Railcards available are:

Please see for details.

The above information is from:

Article Name
Disabled Persons Railcard
Get 1/3 off adult rail fares for travel on the National Rail network in Great Britain. If you're travelling with another adult they will also get 1/3 off their rail fare, so you can save money for a friend or family member too! There are no time restrictions on the Disabled Persons Railcard, so you can use it to get a discount on tickets at any time of the day.