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In November 2020 £1 million of new funding was announced to provide care homes in Scotland with digital devices. These devices were to connect those receiving care with digital resources to support their health, wellbeing and to keep in contact with their loved ones.

The scheme has been well received with over 600 applications received during December. Each location has received one or two iPads and, for those with limited connectivity, a Mifi unit has also been provided to ensure access to the Internet can occur.

Applications can still be made by care homes and more details can be found here.

Any questions can be directed to

The above information is from Provider update from the Care Inspectorate Thu 07/01/2021

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Article Name
Connecting Care Homes in Scotland – have you applied? - Care Inspectorate
In November 2020 £1 million of new funding was announced to provide care homes in Scotland with digital devices. These devices were to connect those receiving care with digital resources to support their health, wellbeing and to keep in contact with their loved ones.
Publisher Name
Care Inspectorate