Scottish Government (articles)
Scottish Government publishes Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027
Created: 31/03/2017
The Scottish Government has published its latest Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027.
This strategy outlines their 10 year vision for Mental Health Services in Scotland. Continue reading
As reported by the BBC, the members bill…
MSPs unanimously backed the general principles of the Disabled Persons’ Parking Badges Bill, after its Stage 1 debate on 20 May 2014.
“Click Here” to view the video online
The members’ bill, introduced by Dennis Robertson MSP in December, is designed to strengthen enforcement of the blue badge scheme.
The scheme provides parking concessions for people with restricted mobility who have difficulty using public transport.
Disability groups have claimed that misuse of the blue badges was widespread.
The legislation is intended to give local authorities the power to cancel badges which have been reported lost or stolen and confiscate badges that are being misused.
Misuse of a blue badge is already an offence, but enforcement powers currently lie with the police.
Badge misuse may take a range of forms including allowing a friend or family member to use the badge when the disabled person it belongs to is not in the car, tampering with a badge or using a badge that is out of date.
The bill has the backing of the Scottish government, and was unanimously backed across the chamber.
The above article is from the BBC`s website
Scottish Government ‘core suit of indicators’ for Health and Social Care Integration
The Scottish Government have launched the ‘core suite of indicators’ that will be used to measure health and wellbeing outcomes within health and social care.
The health and social care Alliance have launched a briefing paper on these indicators. To read the Alliance brief click here or to read the Scottish Governments ‘core suit of indicators’ click here.
Voluntary Action website
The below information is from
09/06/17 10:00
New Health and Social Care Standards
Ensuring care is provided with dignity and respect.
Created: 09/06/2017
The first social security payments to be delivered by the Scottish Government have been outlined to parliament by Social Security Secretary Angela Constance.
The next milestone in building Scotland’s new social security system will be the delivery of the first benefits and these will be the increased Carer’s Allowance, the Best Start Grant and the Funeral Expense Assistance. Continue reading