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We recently updated our guidance on the submission of COVID-19 notificationsWe have now included some additional information that has come from frequently asked questions.

  • Where staff have ongoing symptoms after 14 days or symptoms of ‘long COVID’, services can end their confirmed outbreak with either a negative test from the staff member or agreement from public health.
  • If a service currently has a confirmed case of COVID-19, they do not need to notify us of further suspected cases until after the confirmed case(s) has been ended.
  • Only one end of confirmed case(s) notification is required (per outbreak).  This should be used to signify that there are no current confirmed cases in the service regardless of whether it was an individual or multiple confirmed cases submitted.
  • Only one end of suspected case(s) notification is required.  This should be used to signify that all suspected cases in the service have either had a negative test or shown no symptoms for 14 days.  Where a confirmed case notification has been submitted, the service is automatically deemed to be in an outbreak and there is no need to submit and end of suspected cases notification.

The above information is from Provider update from the Care Inspectorate Thu 07/01/2021

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Article Name
Updated guidance on the submission of COVID-19 notifications
We recently updated our guidance on the submission of COVID-19 notifications. We have now included some additional information that has come from frequently asked questions.
Publisher Name
Care Inspectorate