Audio Books websites
LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening. The first step is to get the mp3 or ogg files into your own computer
LibriVox Objective
To make all books in the public domain available, for free, in audio format on the internet.
Our Fundamental Principles
- Librivox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project
- Librivox donates its recordings to the public domain
- Librivox is powered by volunteers
- Librivox maintains a loose and open structure
- Librivox welcomes all volunteers from across the globe, in all languages
More Information
What We Do
LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and then we release the audio files back onto the net for free. All our audio is in the public domain, so you may use it for whatever purpose you wish. Please note: Our readers are free to choose the books they wish to record. LibriVox sees itself as a library of audiobooks. Because the books we read are in the public domain, our readers and listeners should be aware that many of them are very old, and may contain language or express notions that are antiquated at best, offending at worst.
Volunteering for LibriVox is easy and does not require any experience with recording or audio engineering or acting or public speaking. All you need is a computer, a microphone, some free recording software, and your own voice. We accept all volunteers in all languages, with all kinds of accents. You’re welcome to volunteer to read any language you speak, as long as you can make yourself understood in it. You don’t need to audition, but we do suggest a 1-Minute Test recording just to check your setup. We’ll accept you no matter what you sound like.
We operate almost exclusively through Internet communications on our forum, where all your questions will be answered by our friendly community.
For more detailed information, see our FAQ.
We’d like your help. Click to learn about volunteering for LibriVox.
Resources and Partners
We get most of our texts from Project Gutenberg, and the Internet Archive hosts our audio files (for free!).
In early 2010 we ran a fund-raising drive to raise $20,000 for our expenses for the next few years. In July 2013 we launched a new fund-raising drive with the goal of raising $50,000 for short and long term expenses. If you would like to help, please visit our Donate Page.
The below information and more can be found at
About Us
When we started back in 2005 our goal was to showcase the best audio & video learning content on the Web, and our mission hasn’t changed much. Since then we have grown alongside the vast expansion of audio & video learning on the Internet with the rising popularity of audio book downloads, podcasts, YouTube, free colleges courses, and many other great resources that have become available. We want to be your primary destination for audio & video learning on the Web.
We also want to help you turn your ‘dead time’ (time spent commuting, exercising, doing chores, etc.) into ‘learning time’. We are located in Los Angeles, California, an area of the country known for horrendous traffic and commute times, and we saw the need to help people turn this ‘dead time’ into a time for personal and professional development through audio learning. With the rapid growth of mobile technology from iPods and MP3 players to the iPhones and smart phones of today, learning on-the-go has never been easier, and we hope we can help you with finding the best resources for incorporating audio learning into your daily life.
Over the years we have curated a Catalog of over 50,000 of the best audio books, podcasts, free downloads, and videos you can learn from. One of the most popular sections of our site is our Free Audio & Video Directory which features over 10,000 free audio books, courses, documentaries, lectures, interviews, speeches, and more. We also have a Podcast Directory with over 7,000 carefully selected audio & video podcasts you can learn from. Along with these free sections we also feature over 30,000 educational Audio Book Downloads from all the major audio book publishers and a lot of smaller publishers and individual authors. Our Kids Audio Books Section features over 2,000 audio books, podcasts, and free videos for kids & teens to learn from.
On you can also find great content written about audio & video learning. BlogOutLoud is our audio and video learning blog which highlights the best of our website, along with the latest and greatest news from the world of audio and video learning. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we send out a Free Resource of the Day Email that you can subscribe to for some of the best free audio & video learning resources. Last but not least, you can browse our Featured Author Pages and our Audio & Video Learning Publisher Pages which provide information on the most popular authors and publishers on our site along with a listing of all of their titles.
We welcome you to contact us at any time with feedback, suggestions, inquiries, business opportunities, or anything else we can help you with. We’re here to serve. Keep letting us know what we can do to help you better utilize the power of audio and video learning in your life!
The above information and more can be found at
Note. I have added this site because it has “some” free audio books on it but it also seems to have links to other free media.
What is Open Culture’s Mission?
Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community. Web 2.0 has given us great amounts of intelligent audio and video. It’s all free. It’s all enriching. But it’s also scattered across the web, and not easy to find. Our whole mission is to centralize this content, curate it, and give you access to this high quality content whenever and wherever you want it. Some of our major resource collections include:
Believe it or not you can get some but not a lot of Free Audio Books.
Good news for those stuck at home in isolation: Audible is making hundreds of titles available for free during the coronavirus pandemic.
The audiobook platform has said that, for as long as schools are closed, anyone can listen to a vast selection of its titles. This means books read by Westworld’s Thandie Newton and Downton Abbey’s Dan Stevens are available to stream at no cost at all.
Simply visit from any web browser to get started. No log-ins, credit card or passwords needed.The mix of education, entertainment, and general-interest titles available include Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre (narrated by Newton), Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (narrated by Stephens), The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle and many children’s titles from Winnie The Pooh to Peter Rabbit.
On the site, Audible says: “For as long as schools are closed, we’re open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.”
They add: “[We recognise] that people are at home, in many cases with children home from school, and that stories have the power to entertain, teach and to keep minds active, alert, and engaged.”
You can also sign up for a free 30-day trial on Audible and explore even more titles
- The best audiobook and podcasts on Audible
- If you’re looking for other ways to keep yourself entertained during these difficult times why not check out our TV Guide for the latest shows to watch right now, scroll through our best films on Netflix list, sample our best TV shows on Netflix recommendations – or perhaps see what Disney+ has to offer.
The above information and more can be found at The Radio Times
About Loyal Books
New Name?
Books Should Be Free has changed its name to Loyal Books to show how important books are to our lives. You’ll always find the best collection of completely free public domain audiobooks and ebooks at Loyal Books. We also offer best sellers for those who want the newest books but mostly you’ll find an overwhelming selection of free books to enjoy.
If you don’t know what book you want to listen to next, it can be tedious trolling through hundreds of lines of text results looking for a fun book. Loyal Books puts the fun back into browsing for audio books. For those who listen to audio books because reading does not come easily to them, the last thing these people would want to do is read through pages of text to find something to listen to. LoyalBooks provides a primarily visual browsing experience so you don’t have to read tedious amounts to find listening material. The website is also screen reader friendly making its resources accessible to people with vision disabilities.
All audio books on are in the public domain. This means that no one holds a copyright on these books and therefore anyone including is free to distribute them. Enjoy these free audio books and use the share button on to tell your friends about all these great public domain audio books.
Books that have entered the public domain are digitized and recorded by volunteers that coordinate themselves through a variety of websites. The majority of public domain books, however, are digitized by and recorded by Loyal Books draws on these public domain sources to deliver free audio books to you in an engaging and fun way. Enjoy the browsing experience on our website and be sure to bookmark us and return when youre ready for you’re next audio book!
If you have a free audiobook or eBook that you would like to submit then please use this form.
Questions or comments? We’d be glad to know what you think. Feel free to get in touch with us at Also visit our company site Twist Idea.
The above and more can be found at Loyal Books – Books Should Be Free
Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related technologies today.
The above information and more can be found at
Lit2Go is a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format. An abstract, citation, playing time, and word count are given for each of the passages. Many of the passages also have a related reading strategy identified. Each reading passage can also be downloaded as a PDF and printed for use as a read-along or as supplemental reading material for your classroom.
This collection of children’s literature is a part of the Educational Technology Clearinghouse and is funded by various grants. Copyright © 2006—2020 by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida.
OverDrive is the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide. We are dedicated to creating “a world enlightened by reading” by delivering the industry’s largest catalog of ebooks, audiobooks and other digital media to a growing network of more than 43,000 libraries and schools in 75 countries.