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Scottish Government (articles)

There is still some of the money announced by the First Minister to help carers have a break from thier caring role available to apply for.  It is administered through the Creative Breaks Fund overseen by Fife Voluntary Action.  You can apply for up to £300 to buy something that will help give you a break from your caring role.  Obviously going away for a break is not possible now so you will have to think about other ways to have a break.

Some of the things other carers have bought with their grants have included Garden Sheds, Fitness equipment including bicycles, Items for hobbies, Kindles, Tablets or laptops with earphones so you can watch your own programmes,  or you could think about food delivery from companies such as Gusto or Hello Fresh to explore new ideas in your cooking or even deliveries of takeaway food to have a break from cooking.  Think out of the box about what gives you a break from your caring role.

This funding is available just now and must be spent before the end of March.  At the moment some of the normal rules have been suspended to enable as many carers as possible to access it quickly so if you are caring for a child under 21 you can apply (normally is for carers of adults over 21) and if you had a Creative Breaks Grant last year (it’s normally only available every two years) you can apply. An application form is attached to this email for you to complete and email to the email address on the back page of the form to make your application.

The above information is from Fife Carers Centre Information Bulletin Mon 15/02/2021

18th February 2021
by Gareth Jones

An independent review of adult social care in Scotland was published earlier this month

The Scottish Government has said it is committed to implementing the far reaching recommendations of a recent review into adult social care in Scotland. Continue reading


A radical revision of primary care is essential to ensure the next generation of citizens receive the care they need, according to the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee.

In a report published today, the Committee say the traditional 9-5, 5 days a week service must become a thing of the past, replaced with a new model shaped around users’ needs. They urge the health service to fully embrace technology, enabling better data sharing and monitoring, to deliver a 21st century system fit for patients.

The Committee’s report is the culmination of a two-year inquiry into the future of primary care. The innovative inquiry was centred around members of the public with their views shaping the inquiry. The first phase of the inquiry, published in July 2019, revealed the public’s desire and support for a transformation in how services are accessed and delivered.

The inquiry has highlighted the growing costs and demands on the health service due to an ageing population and their more complex health needs, as well as an obesity epidemic and stark health inequalities in Scotland’s most deprived areas.

The Committee’s report questions the Government’s commitment to recruit at least 800 more GPs by 2030. They say the emphasis should instead be placed on committing to appropriate recruitment of professional staff across multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs), including both GPs and other professions, which can deliver the intended benefits to primary care as a whole.

Speaking as the report was published, Committee Convener Lewis Macdonald MSP said:

“It is clear that when it comes to primary care the status quo is no longer an option. Existing ways of delivering care are not only financially unsustainable but have failed to keep pace with modern life.

“We need to radically rethink primary care so that we can ensure our citizens receive the best possible care for generations to come.

“We must move away from the automatic provision of prescriptions and towards social prescribing. There must be widespread adoption of a preventative model of delivering care and the health service must fully embrace new technology.”

“A fundamental shift is also required in how the public and health professionals view General Practice. Instead of GPs being seen as the provider of all services, a new approach should be adopted where other health professionals, who are often better placed and equipped to help and support people can do so.”

He added:

“Our inquiry has been driven by hearing directly from the public about the primary care services they want, need and require and the Committee wants to thank all who took part in our public forums and shared their views.”

The Committee say a focus on prevention needs to be prioritised and mainstreamed, but for this to be a success it goes beyond just the health service. They identify the importance of local communities in delivering good health outcomes and say there is a clear desire amongst the public for connected communities, with spaces that give people opportunities to become active and socialise, and to connect to the local natural environment.

Widespread adoption of video consulting service ‘Near Me’ during the Covid-19 pandemic has been commended although the Committee has expressed reservations that default use could deepen health inequalities.



Recognising there have been multiple developments within Primary Care Services in recent times the Committee agreed it was appropriate they should look at the provision of services and approaches. The principal aims were to consider whether services were meeting current needs and how they should be provided in future.

The inquiry was split in two parts. Part 1 of the inquiry was focused on hearing from members of the public about how they felt services should be accessed and delivered.

Part 2 of the inquiry took those views to a wide range of health professionals involved in primary care, asking how they considered services could evolve in line with the needs and wishes of the users. The report can be found here.

The Part 1 report is available here:

You can learn more about the work of the Health and Sport Committee on the Scottish Parliament website.

Media information

Warren Hardie: 0131 348 5479
Text Relay calls welcome

Committee information

For further information on this inquiry please contact David Cullum, Clerk to the Health and Sport Committee –

Public information
• Telephone enquiry line: 0800 092 7500 or 0131 348 5395 (Gàidhlig)
• Text 07786 209 888
• Ask a question online through  live chat
• We also welcome calls using the Text Relay service or in British Sign Language through contactSCOTLAND-BSL


Social channels
You can also follow us on twitter @scotparl and to keep up to date with the Committee, Health and Sport Committee @SP_HealthSport

Like us on Facebook for updates on news and events

Or find out more on YouTube

The above information is from The Scottish Parliament News Update Tue 16/02/2021

We have now delivered the first two phases of our three-phase package of support to the care sector around COVID-19 response and winter preparedness, with a series of 10 webinars across Scotland. We invited care homes for older people, care homes for adults and care at home services for adults to take part.

Our Level 1 webinars shared key information about COVID-19 and signposted participants to the relevant guidance in our Care Inspectorate COVID-19 compendium and COVID-19 FAQs. A guest speaker from Healthcare Improvement Scotland spoke about the 10 Essentials of Safe Care. Attendees have told us they found webinars helpful, with one person telling us that “Learning about the COVID-19 compendium (one stop shop) will be very useful for all staff”.

Our Level 2 webinars introduced the new self-evaluation that links to the pandemic-specific Key Question 7 in the Care Inspectorate quality frameworks. These webinars were designed to support services to use the self-evaluation tool and guidance. A care home manager and an operational manager from a care at home service shared their experiences of how they would use the tool in practice. Feedback on these webinars was positive, with 88% of care home participants and 100% of care at home participants saying they would use the self-evaluation tool, or elements of it, within their services.

Videos of the webinars are available on the Care Inspectorate knowledge and improvement website The Hub.

We are currently preparing the Level 3 webinars, which will be topic specific and take place during March 2021 – dates will be confirmed soon.

The above information is from  Improvement Update Newsletter from the Care Inspectorate Wed 03/02/2021

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The CyberScotland Bulletin will provide you with information about the latest threats, scams, news and updates covering cyber security and cyber resilience topics. Due to current circumstances and threats emerging as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic we are also circulating information on a much wider range of scams. We hope you continue to benefit from this resource and we ask that you circulate this information to your networks, adapting where you see fit. Continue reading

In July 2018 we began introducing new frameworks for inspection and self-evaluation across the range of services which we regulate. We have now developed the draft quality framework for family-based care in consultation with providers, inspectors, umbrella bodies and membership organisations. Continue reading

A service that offers consultations and advice for minor illnesses is available in all community pharmacies across Scotland. The service is open to those living in care homes and allows care homes and pharmacy teams to work closely together in new ways to support residents. Continue reading

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