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Support services

The Scottish Community Development Centre has released new support materials have been produced to accompany the revised National Standards for Community Engagement. Developed in partnership with Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA), the National Standards for Community Engagement are now in the following accessible formats:

•    Easy Read version of the National Standards for Community Engagement
•    Easy Read – plain large print (18pt) of the National Standards for Community Engagement 
•    Easy Read – plain large print (24pt) of the National Standards for Community Engagement
•    Audio version (MP3) of the National Standards for Community Engagement 
•    A braille version of the National Standards for Community Engagement is also available on request. 

View and download the accessible versions by clicking here. For more information or further support around accessible versions of the Standards, please contact Paul Nelis at SCDC on 0131 248 1924 or e-mail

From Fife Centre for Equalities e-bulletin June 2017

The below information is from

General standards for neurological care and support

It is estimated that as many as a million adults in Scotland are living with a wide range of complex and life-changing neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and Huntington’s disease, as well as those affected by cerebral palsy, brain injury, nerve and muscle disorders. Neurological disease can affect people in different ways; no two people living with a neurological condition are the same. People should expect to receive the same high quality service from the health and social care organisations that support them, regardless of their condition, geographical location or individual circumstances. Continue reading

The below information is from

Care of older people in hospital standards

Everyone using healthcare services in Scotland is entitled to the same level of care regardless of their age, however, it is recognised that older people are admitted more often to hospital, and can face problems not experienced by other user groups.  

We have developed standards to support staff and ensure the highest standards for the care of older people in hospital presenting with an acute episode, wherever healthcare is delivered. 

These standards supersede the 2002 Clinical standards for older people in acute care. Continue reading

About us

We are Healthcare Improvement Scotland, an organisation with many parts and one purpose – better quality health and social care for everyone in Scotland.

We have five key priorities. 

These are areas where we believe we can make the most impact and where we focus our efforts and resources.

  • Enabling people to make informed decisions about their care and treatment.
  • Helping health and social care organisations to redesign and continuously improve services.
  • Provide evidence and share knowledge that enables people to get the best out of the services they use and helps services improve.
  • Provide quality assurance that gives people confidence in the services and supports providers to improve.
  • Making the best use of resources, we aim to ensure every pound invested in our work adds value to the care people receive.

Continue reading

The Below Article is from

One of the most important ways for us to make sure care services improve is by listening to your concerns. These may be about a care service or about the Care Inspectorate. 

For more information, you can read unhappy about a care service? 

How we deal with concerns and complaints‘ explains the process.

How to make a complaint

Registered care service

If you are not happy with the level of care you or someone you care for is receiving, we would encourage you to first of all speak to the care service itself about your concerns. This is often the quickest way to resolve a problem. 

However, you can choose to complain directly to us by either:

Whichever method you use to, we will deal with your complaint following ‘How we deal with concerns and complaints‘.

In summary, this means we will:

  • acknowledge that we have received your complaint within three working days
  • aim to complete the investigation within 40 working days
  • let you know if we think there will be a delay and give you the reasons for the delay
  • let you know our findings and the outcome of the complaint.

If you are unhappy with the outcome, you have the right to ask the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) to look into our decision. The SPSO website has information on making a complaint and the types of complaints it looks at. They are the final stage for handling complaints about public services in Scotland.

Other organisations

Local authority social work departments: you need to contact the local authority and ask about their complaints procedure. 

NHS hospital or clinic: you need to contact the local NHS board.

Independent health service or hospice: contact Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

If you want to raise a concern about a specific individual (or individuals) working in a care service – rather than the service itself – the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) may be able to help. The SSSC regulates a wide range of social care workers: The SSSC can only consider concerns about workers who are registered or applying to register with it. You can check if a worker is registered by searching the Register or by calling the SSSC on 0345 603 0891.

The Above Article is from

PDF Procedure for Handling Complaints – Care Inspectorate

The below information is from

Go Kids Go! was formerly known as Association of Wheelchair Children which in turn came out of The Newham Rollers  – a local activities group for wheelchair-using children, which operated in the East End of London in the late 1980’s.

As news about its work spread, founder Owen McGhee (BSc, MCSP, SRP) who was the Senior Community Paediatric Physiotherapist for the Newham Health Authority, identified a national need for these specialist wheelchair services. In 1990 AWC became a registered national charity and since that time has helped literally thousands of wheelchair-using children and their families. Continue reading

Fife Bus – Appointment Based Dial-a-Ride for the less able… 

03451 55 11 88

Alternatively, if you are deaf or hard of hearing…

Email: Text: 07985 737 018 (Please note this mobile does not accept Voice calls.)

Extract of information from Fife Council with some additional items…,-travel-and-parking/fife-bus

Fife bus – for people that are physically or mentally challenged

Please telephone the Fife Bus (An appointment based Dial as You Ride) office on 03451 55 11 88. For the deaf and hard of hearing…

Email: Text: 07985 737 018 (Please note this mobile does not accept Voice calls.)

But what is Fife Bus…

It is Fife Council’s Demand Responsive Transport Service (DRT), and it provides door-to-door transport for people who are unable to access mainstream public transport.

Theses minibuses have very low steps, or a passenger lift. This allows wheelchair to travel on the mini bus too.

The Council’s friendly driving staff are on hand, to allow our passengers to board and leave the bus. They will also help with you with wearing a seatbelt, if that is a challenge for you.

Who can use Fife Bus?                        

Anyone who has difficulty in using mainstream public transport due some form of reduced mobility. That is,

your reduced mobility may be:

  • physical,
  • mental,
  • or a sensory impairment,
  • and may be permanent or temporary.

What does it cost?                        

The service is free to use

Where can passengers go…

You can go anywhere within your permitted travel area. This is detailed in the Fife Bus Service by Town publication.

How do I use Fife Bus?

Firstly, you need to register before you can book a journey. Registration is quick and simple. Please telephone the Fife Bus office on 03451 55 11 88. Fife Buses friendly staff will talk you through the process and let you know if you qualify. Registrations will be accepted between 9 am and 4.30 pm

Alternatively, if you are deaf, have hearing loss or are speech impaired, you can make your bookings using Email or Text.

Email: Text: 07985 737 018*

*Please note this mobile does not accept Voice calls.

Additionally, If you have difficulty using the telephone, someone can call Fife Bus and register on your behalf. Once registered, Fife Bus will send out a welcome pack providing further details of the service and how you can use it.

What can I use it for?                        

You can use the service for any transport you require, for example:

  • going to the bingo or cinema
  • going to college
  • trips to friends
  • for leisure
  • for a visit to the park
  • visiting relatives
  • shopping trips, and…
  • Going to Work

Fife Council staff can also tell you which shopping centres have Shopmobility, who may be able to arrange:

  • a helper for you or
  • provide you with a scooter, or
  • a powered or…
  • manual wheelchair if needed.

What if I need a helping hand?                        

If you feel the support of a friend or family member would help, please bring them with you (just let us know when you book the bus). You can also bring your hearing or guide dog.

Where can I use the service

Fife Bus is a Fife-wide service, available across Fife 8am to 5:30pm (Mon to Sun). Bookings are only taken the day before travel, with Friday and Saturday bookings taken on a Thursday and Sunday and Monday bookings taken on a Friday. You can see what days the service is running in your area by looking at Fifebus Service by Town.

As with other public transport services, it will no longer be a mandatory requirement for passengers to wear a face covering whilst travelling with us. Fife Bus would, however, still strongly encourage their use at this time.

The Council will continue to review the Fifebus service in line with changing circumstances and any Government advice/measures and we will keep customers informed of any changes.

For further information about the service, please call the Council’s dedicated dial number – 03451 55 11 88 – anytime between 9:00am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. A trained member of Fife Council staff will take time to discuss with you the various services available in your area.

Contact Information

Telephone: 03451 55 11 88

Email: Text: 07985 737 018*

*Please note this mobile does not accept Voice calls.

By Post: Passenger Transport Services (DRT), Bankhead Central, Bankhead Park, Glenrothes, KY7 6GH

Shared surface streets (sometimes called a level surface) are where the road and pavement are built at the same level, removing the kerb so that cars, buses, cyclists and pedestrians share the same surface. In some cases, controlled crossings (pelican crossings) are also removed.

Shared surface streets are dangerous for people with a vision impairment, who rely upon the presence of the kerb to know they are on the pavement and not in the road.

The shared surface concept is intended to be a way to provide:

  • an attractive street environment with slower traffic
  • less street clutter
  • a people friendly space

Guide Dogs has been campaigning against the use of shared surface streets as part of our Streets Ahead campaign, supported by organisations representing disabled people across the disability sector, older people and other groups.

For more information go to The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association website