Telephone 01592 203993

Disabilities Fife’s information and advice service addresses a community need in enabling Fife’s 70,000 disabled people participate more fully in local community activities and, thereby, engendering a greater sense of worth and wellbeing in being able to contribute to social groups in their areas.

As a registered charity, Disabilities Fife is run by disabled people for disabled people. We work to improve access and equality of opportunity for all disabled people in Fife. Membership of Disabilities Fife is free and entitles members to regular mailings, attendance at 4 Network Meetings in different parts of Fife and 4 Newsletters. It gives also services users information about opportunities to join with others to have their voices heard in order to improve the services they receive for example – access to information, home care, day care and occupational services – to make them more suitable to their needs.



Kathleen Hall

This organisation has helped me in so many ways; it has helped me with transport issues and issues with public toilets and the accessibility of them. They have been such a support to me enabling me to live with the disability and supported me through the change in benefits and provided information to help me to understand what changes mean to disabled people and how it would affect us.

I wish to say to everyone that if this organisation were to close so many disabled people would suffer as a result. I feel very strong about the issues that disabled people have to cope with. This organisation has helped the disabled people through ensuring that the local bus company to clearly put signs on the driver’s window for the hard of hearing and in providing driver training to operate the lifts on the buses and also to ensure that they understood how to lock wheelchairs in correctly so that disabled people can travel safely.

If I had not gone to this meeting or if there was no meeting to go to what would have happened. I might of used it myself I would also like to say that a lot of disabled people find it helpful to be able to meet together. So keeping Disabilities Fife open is essential for all disabled people who live in Fife.

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