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Monthly Archives: August 2019

New legislation was introduced in March 2015 to protect Blue Badge users across Scotland bays which are normally closer to work, shops and other community services. This parking access often makes the difference as to whether people with mobility problems live their lives as fully as they can.

Parking in a designated disabled space illegally, even for a few minutes, has a significant knock-on effect for the legitimate Blue Badge holders who are unable to find a suitable parking space. Normal everyday tasks such as going to the shops, attending a doctor’s appointment or even going to work, things that most of us take for granted can become impossible due to lack of access.

The legislation in the Disabled Persons’ Parking Badges (Scotland) Act 2014 gives local authorities the power to cancel badges which have been reported lost or stolen and confiscate badges that are being misused.

The extra powers for local authorities to tackle Blue Badge misuse and confiscate badges that are not valid or are being used illegally by a third party for their own benefit, allows disabled badge holders access to services in the community and help them lead independent lives.

Blue Badge Administration (lines open 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.) Image of blue BadgeTel: 03451 55 00 66 Contact Blue Badge Administration (lines open 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.) online 
By Post: Fife House North Street Glenrothes Fife KY7 5LT

The Above is from 

Fife Council`s Access Policy and Standards 2003

Access Policy and Standards 2003 page Access Policy and Standards 2003 page on toilets

I tried to see if there is an update to the 2003 version but the only thing I could find is:

Making Fife’s Places Planning Policy Guidance – buildings, green infrastructure, and streets [August 2015]

This document sets out Fife Council’s expectations for the design of development in Fife.

It explains the role of good design in creating successful places where people will want to live work and play through an integrated approach to buildings, spaces and movement.

This document covers:

All types of development except wind farms and minerals. This includes:

  • Proposals incorporating existing buildings/ townscape
  • Proposals affecting designations in the historic environment [listed buildings, Conservation Areas, Scheduled Ancient Monuments] including their 
  • Making Fife’s Places Planning Policy Guidance – buildings, green infrastructure, and streets [August 2015] Image of a pagesettings · Proposals affecting designated nature conservation sites · Proposals for locations in the countryside, edge of settlement and within settlements

This document is intended to be used by:

  • Designers and investors preparing planning applications for new development;
  • Fife Council officers [Development Management and others] and elected members who take decisions on planning applications; and
  • Communities in Fife

This document replaces:

  • Green Infrastructure SPG
  • Fife Masterplans Handbook
  • Creating a Better Fife: Fife Urban Design Guide
  • Fife Sustainability Checklist · Public Art SPG
  • Fife Council Transportation Development Guidelines Supplementary Designing Streets Guidance

Status of this document: This document is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

Once the Local Development Plan – FIFEplan is adopted this document will be finalised taking into account any changes that may result from the Local Development Plan examination. The document will then be submitted to Scottish Ministers before becoming statutory Supplementary Guidance as part of the Development Plan.